Portability is a #1 thing here, it's so awesome to be able to just throw this thing in the car and be on water in 20 minutes. It does not fit in my trunk since I have a really small sedan, but it will definitely fit the trunk of a Corolla or Civic. And you can fit 10 of these in med size SUV! I just lay some tarp on the back seat and it fits just fine.
Setup is tough the first time, but gradually becoming a breeze within 5-7 folds.
It's perfectly stable for me, I'm 6"3' 190 lbs, and even more so with the stabilizers. I use it for fishing on calm ponds and small/medium lakes, so if you use it for what it's meant for and you will have no issues.
I would suggest an aftermarket seat. Standard one is okay but becomes a bit uncomfortable after about an hour. For some it might work fine though, it's a matter of your size and how you use the kayak. Whatever seat you end up using it's VERY important to attach it as per instructions. If you attach it to incorrectly the weight distribution may cause your kayak to bend and sink.
Standard pedal is okay, it's free so absolutely no complaints. Anchor is so so, a bit small, but overall works fine.
Another cool thing about this kayak is all the free space inside. Plenty of room to fit all the fishing gear, small cooler and a backpack.
I would absolutely recommend it for beginners and those who want that portability. It's amazing for the price.